Mergers & Acquisitions

The bread-and-butter of our transactional tax practice is to advise on the purchase and sale of high-growth and middle-market companies. Our lawyers have helped close thousands of tax-efficient transactions.


Startup and Financing

Long before ultimate sale, we assist entrepreneurs and investors with tax-efficient strategies to form and finance their companies, attract and retain key talent, and avoid tax missteps that could negatively impact a future transaction.


International business is no longer just about multi-national corporations. High-growth and middle-market companies are routinely expanding operations and pursuing deals both in to and out of the U.S.A.


Fund Formation

We represent sponsors of and investors in a range of pooled investment vehicles.

Real Estate

Real estate is a unique asset class with unique tax issues.


Executive Compensation

We understand that attracting and retaining the right team is integral to the growth and success of the company. Equity compensation and other incentive arrangements are both effective and, unfortunately, tax-sensitive.